Kara zor el wiki

Zor-El was a scientist from Argo City of the planet Krypton. He was the brother of Kryptonian scientist Jor-El and was married to Alura In-Ze. Zor-El and Alura had a daughter, Kara Zor-El. In Kryptonian society, Zor-El was a prominent member of the Kryptonian nobility of his time. Zor-El was an acclaimed surgeon and cyberneticist. Though his wife was the foremost expert on artificial

Kara-Zor-El, also known as Supergirl and Linda Lang, is a Kryptonian superhero based in

Supergirl is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.The character was created by writer Otto Binder and designed by artist Al Plastino.Supergirl first appeared in a story published in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) titled "The Supergirl from Krypton".. Kara Zor-El is the biological cousin of Kal-El (Superman).

Contact Info Character Journal: Kara_Of_Steel Player Journal: XxBlackJadexX Email: XxDonMelloxX@aol.com AIM: XxDonMelloxX ; NearNumber1 Profile Character Name: Kara Kent (Kara In-Ze) Series/Fandom: Justice League Unlimited Original or Alternate: Original Age: 19 Appearance: Kara is a young beauty in her own right, her rose-red lips almost always curved upward into a charming smile … The last daughter of Krypton of her universe. This Kara Zor-El ulike her counterpart Kara Danvers was not raised by humans on the contrary she was captured by the U.S. government and the subject of cruel, degrading, and inhumane experiments. Eventually she would go insane and develop a cruel misanthropic personality. She was freed by the Rival and tasked with assaulting and destroying key On Krypton, Zor-El (brother of Jor-El, father of Superman) took his wife Allura and their teenage daughter Kara to the space station Argo. The space station was essentially a city in space, and was a haven for Krypton's elite scientists until it began to malfunction. It had been sabotaged by a sect of Kryptonians that believed that leaving the planet was heresy. Zor-El placed his daughter in Kara Zor-El is Superman's younger cousin and sidekick. She and Stephanie struck up an easy friendship after Kara rescued the young hero and Catwoman from a watery grave at the behest of Oracle.. Stephanie quickly introduced herself as Batgirl and informed Kara that she had discovered Toyman was holding the Kryptonite Man captive and torturing him, when one of the Toyman's robots overwhelmed Supergirl, valódi nevén Kara Zor-El egy kitalált szereplő, szuperhős, Superman unokahúga a DC Comics képregényeiben.A szereplőt Otto Binder és Al Plastino alkotta meg. Első megjelenése az Action Comics 252. számában volt 1959-ben.Az 1986-os Végtelen Világok Krízise című történet eseményei alatt Kara életét vesztette. A Krízis utáni modern kori első megjelenése 2004 Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, her Earth-One counterpart; w:c:DC:Power Girl; Note: This article has a sister page at Anime Baths! To see it, click Zor-L here to visit it. If this ends up being a … Kara Zor-El (publicly known as Linda Lee, and also known as Supergirl), was a legendary Kryptonian who worked as an anchorwoman and actor as well as a founding member of the Justice Society. Kara Zor-El was born in Argo City a remnant from the planet Krypton which had survived the explosion of the planet and had drifted through space. When the soil of the colony was turned into Kryptonite

Viene chiamata Kara Zor-El, ha tutti i superpoteri della versione fumettistica (volo compreso, non ancora sviluppato dal Clark Kent di questa serie) ed è la cugina di Clark. Unica differenza che viene risvegliata non da Batman ma dall'esplosione della diga causata da Bizzarro. Compare anche nelle altre serie. Kara Zor-El (ur. w 1966 roku) – Kryptonianin, córka naukowców Zor-Ela i Alury.Została wysłana na Ziemię z umierającej planety Krypton, aby ochronić młodszego kuzyna Kal-Ela.Fala uderzeniowa wytworzona po zniszczeniu planety dosięgnęła jednak kapsułę, która w efekcie zboczyła z kursu i dotarła w miejsce docelowe znacznie później. La Capitana Kara Zor-El fue una ciudadana del planeta Krypton.Ella era una miembro de la noble casa de El, hija de Zor-El y Alura In-Ze. Ella fue elegida como Capitana de una de las naves de exploración de Krypton que fue enviado hacia el universo para terraformar planetas, pero después de una pelea con el criminal Dev-Em, su nave se estrelló en la Tierra. Kara Zor-El is the daughter of Zor-El and his wife Alura In-Ze. Kara is actually older than Kal-El (Superman); she was a teenager when he was a baby. When Krypton exploded, she was sent in a rocket (in suspended animation) to find and look after Superman. Kara Zor-El, alias Supergirl, es una superheroína creada por Otto Binder y Al Plastino para DC Comics.Poco antes de que el planeta Krypton fuera destruido, el científico Zor-El, hermano del científico Jor-El, entregó a su hija una vestidura ceremonial kryptoniana y, con engaños, la atrajo a su laboratorio para dormirla y poder de esa manera colocarla en una cápsula de escape y que Zor-El was a scientist from Argo City of the planet Krypton. He was the brother of Kryptonian scientist Jor-El and was married to Alura In-Ze. Zor-El and Alura had a daughter, Kara Zor-El. In Kryptonian society, Zor-El was a prominent member of the Kryptonian nobility of his time. Zor-El was an acclaimed surgeon and cyberneticist. Though his wife was the foremost expert on artificial

Kara Zor-El also known as Kara Danvers, Kara Matthews and Supergirl is the cousin of Kal-El. She is the wife of Mon-El, and mother of Rose Zor-El. She is the protector of National City. Powers and Abilities Kryptonian Physiology: Normally, like all Kryptonians, Kara's capabilities are no greater than a normal human of her physical conditioning. However, once charged by the energy of a blue or Supergirl is een fictieve superheld uit de comics van DC Comics, en dan met name de verhalen van Superman.Ze verscheen voor het eerste ten tonele in DC-serie Action Comics #252. Supergirl werd bedacht door Otto Binder en Al Plastino.. Van Supergirl bestaan verschillende versies, maar de bekendste is Kara Zor-El, Superman’s nichtje. 17/04/2020 · Zor-El follows Lara to Earth. Before the first meteor shower that befell Smallville, Zor-El traveled to Earth on several occasions.He first went to study the effects of kryptonite on Kryptonians and the effects of the yellow sun on Kryptonians, so when he later went to Earth to fulfill Rao's prophecy, he would have advance knowledge of its effects.He later went to retrieve Kara, who had Kara Zor-El und alle Erinnerung an sie wird von der Existenz gelöscht. Echoes. Nach diesen Ereignissen machte die Seele von Kara Zor-El einer weiteren Auftritt in Kontinuität drei Jahre später in einer Geschichte mit dem Titel in „Sollte Auld Acquaintance vergessen werden“ mit den Superhelden Weihnachten # 2 (1989). Kara Kent (born Kara Zor-El) is Supergirl, Clark Kent's cousin from Krypton.She is a member of the House of El, as well as the only daughter of Zor-El.. Chloe Sullivan created a false backstory for the authorities to cover Kara's sudden appearance in Smallville, explaining that she was Clark's cousin on his adoptive father's side, raised in Minnesota for the past 19 years until she was able to

Kara Danvers (birth name Kara Zor-El and better known as Supergirl ) is the main female protagonist of the CW series, Supergirl. She is a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media and is an agent for the DEO. She is also the former love interest of James Olsen and Mon-El. Kara was born on the Planet Krypton and is the daughter of Alura and Zor-El. She had a happy childhood and admired and deeply

Supergirl is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by writer Otto Binder and designed  Kara Zor-El, a prima de Kal-El surgiu em Action Comics #252, de 1959. Ela sobreviveu a explosão de Krypton pois Argo City, a cidade em que morava, conseguiu  Kara Zor-El re-entrou continuidade dominante em 2004, quando a DC Comics vice-presidente sênior e editor executivo Dan DiDio , juntamente com editor  Brother of Jor-El and father to Kara Zor-El, Zor-El used reverse engineering of Brainiac technology and saved Argo City from No recent wiki edits to this page. Name: Kara Zor-El Also known as Kara Kent, Kara Danvers, Linda Lang. Occupation: superheroine,. Title/Rank: Supergirl. Location: Status: alive. Relationships  Kara-Zor-El, also known as Supergirl and Linda Lang, is a Kryptonian superhero based in Metropolis. She is the cousin of Superman, Lana Lang's foster niece and a member of the Justice League of America. Kara Zor-El is the daughter of Zor-El and his wife Alura In-Ze. Kara is actually older than Kal-El (Superman); she was a teenager when he was a baby. When Brainiac attacked Krypton, he took Kara-Zor-El is the heroine known as Supergirl.Born on Krypton to Superman's uncle and aunt, Kara was rocketed to Earth by her father to save her life. Supergirl was adopted by the Danvers and became the protector of National City.In her secret identity she is Kara Danvers, a run-on-the-mill high-schooler.Possessing vast powers given by her Kryptonian physiology, Supergirl is one of the most

Supergirl is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.The character was created by writer Otto Binder and designed by artist Al Plastino.Supergirl first appeared in a story published in Action Comics #252 (May 1959) titled "The Supergirl from Krypton".. Kara Zor-El is the biological cousin of Kal-El (Superman).

Kara Zor-El re-entrou continuidade dominante em 2004, quando a DC Comics vice-presidente sênior e editor executivo Dan DiDio , juntamente com editor 

Supergirl (en español significa Superchica; en las historietas publicadas por la Editorial Novaro, se llamaba Superchica) es el nombre de varias superhéroinas ficticias que aparecen en los cómics estadounidenses publicados por DC Comics.La Supergirl original y más conocida es Kara Zor-El, quien era la prima del superhéroe Superman.El personaje hizo su primera aparición en Action Comics

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